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Materials Scientist Dr. Bob Morton Returns to Blind Frog Ranch


Analytical chemist Dr. Bob Morton once again made a cameo on Blind Frog Ranch, this time to help the team make sense of claims related to the so-called “bead site.”

Like many of us, Dr. Morton may have caught on that Blind Frog Ranch is much ado about nothing.

Here’s what he had to say: “What’s interesting about coming back here is you find things that are extraordinary, and you scratch your head trying to figure out what the heck is going on and how they’re related.”

Welcome to the club, Dr. Morton—we’ve been scratching our heads since this show first aired on Discovery.

And we’ll overlook the fact that you took a sample of soot from the bead site with an already dirty cup, potentially contaminating the samples.

Dr. Morton was a good sport, though, when delivering his analysis results, which supported the theory that the soot samples were manmade charcoal and charred plant material from 500 years ago.

This only fueled the theory that the Aztecs once lived on Blind Frog Ranch, sending the team even deeper down the Aztec and Keyhole Chamber rabbit hole.